Public Health Projects

The department undertook different projects in collaboration with different agencies. We have done projects in collaboration with State AIDS Cell,  RCH Programme,  National Cancer control Programme,  BFHI Programme,  Drug resistance Surveillance Project (for Tuberculosis)

AIDS Control Programme

The project was done with the support from state AIDS Cell. The main activities were:

  •     HIV/AIDS awareness classes for the general public
  •     STD/AIDS counseling
  •     Training for supervisory staff in private hospitals on Hospital acquired infection control

RCH Programme

The programme was done with the support of Kerala Voluntary Health Services.

The main activities were:

  •     Adolescent Health Education classes for the students
  •     Training for teachers in adolescent health education and counseling
  •     Counselling & Guidance
  •     Premarital counseling sessions
  •     Balanced diet classes.

Cancer Control Programme

This project was supported by the Central Government of India. Under the project,  the following activities were 

  •     Survey in 5 panchayaths of Vadavucode block to identify cancer cases
  •     Camps and Health education classes
  •     Treatment and follow up.

BFHI Programme

Awareness classes for mothers were conducted on the importance of breastfeeding.

DRS Project

This project was done with the support of Central TB Division, Govt. of India.

The main objectives were:

  •     To determine and document the existence of Multidrug Resistance TB in Ernakulam.
  •     To determine the prevalence of initial and acquired drug resistance in the identified district, in order to use the levels of drug resistance as a performance indicator for the National Tuberculosis control programme.

The activities

  •     Training for lab technicians regarding the programme
  •     Sputum sample collection from the Microscopic centers and the culture and
  •     sensitivity testing to determine the drug resistance.

IDD Programme (Good Bye IDD Project)

The programme was done in collaboration with IMA. With the objective of

  •     Preventing iodine deficiency disorders  awareness classes were conducted in all the health centers of the project area to sensitize the people about the importance of using iodized salt.
  •     In collaboration with Indian Association of Paediatrics and RCH, an adolescent health survey and check up was conducted in St.Peters Senior secondary School, Kadayiruppu.
  •     Awareness  classes on adolescent health were also conducted.

Ongoing Project

CBM Community Ear Care Services Project.

The main objective of the project is the restoration and rehabilitation of children and adults with Hearing impairment. The project is done with the support of German based organization – Christoffel Blinden Mission and in association with ENT department. Project covers Ernakulam and Idukki districts.

The major activities include:

  •     Initial screening of the students by trained nurses at school
  •     Students with ear complaints are examined by doctors
  •     Camps are organized in cooperation with different NGOs and clubs to identify
  •     hearing impaired.
  •     Surgery for the needed cases at subsidized rate.
  •     Hearing aids are given for the needed at subsidized rate.
  •     Speech therapy is given for needed.
  •     Health care training
  •     Both medical and paramedical personnel are undergoing training in the department on various fields of public health.

The main focuses

  • Internship for MBBS graduates – 2 months
  • Training for MSW trainees & Health Inspector trainees.
  • Training for Nursing students
  • Training for multipurpose health workers

In addition to the above activities,  the department took initiative in organizing different  camps according to the arising health needs of the community. We also celebrate all the national and international Health related days every year.
The department also co-operated with the government initiatives in the total health care of the community. The physicians participated in the camps organized by government PHCs to control the Chikungunya epidemic and in the RCH activities.

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